Dr. Sutton was one of the world’s foremost authorities on the prophetic Scriptures, including the majestic book of Revelation.  Even after his passing, Dr. Sutton's publications and messages continue to teach Bible prophecy without doom, gloom, or speculation in an edifying way that inspires victory, joy, peace, and hope, setting believers free from unscriptural fear of the future.  Over sixty years of studying and preaching the prophecies of the Scripture qualified Dr. Sutton as the senior prophetic teacher during his lifetime.

Following his military service during World War II, Dr. Sutton studied music at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX.  Then, upon accepting the call to ministry, he attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University.  Dr. Sutton received his Doctorate of Theology from Cornerstone University in Jerusalem, Israel.  Centreville Bible College of the American Baptist bestowed on him a Doctorate of Divinity for his research, studies, and writing concerning the book of Revelation.  An honorary Doctorate of Christian Ministries was bestowed in 1989 by El Seminario Teologico Misionero of Gautemala, C.A.

 Dr. Sutton personally addressed members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military, members of the Israeli Knesset and the Israeli Foreign Ministry.  He was acquainted with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and personal friends with President Shimon Peres, Yitzak Shamir, the late Yitzak Rabin, and Menachem Begin.

Dr. Sutton authored numerous books, including his masterpiece, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation entitled Revelation Revealed.  The Revelation Teaching Syllabus is a companion piece to Revelation Revealed that serves as a teaching guide to his fourteen-hour study of the book of Revelation available on CD and DVD.  The in-depth Revelation study brings this timeless, essential book to life.   The Revelation Revealed study on DVD has been used for curriculum in many Colleges, Bible Schools, study groups, and churches around the world, and all who sit under this teaching come away with a greater understanding of “God’s Grand Finale”.

His legacy will be remembered for many generations as the foremost authority on Bible Prophecy.  Allow the heritage of faith from this "General in the Faith" to impact your life and the lives of those around you for many years to come.  Take advantage of the years of inspiration and revelation as you study with him through his Legacy Library.  For more information, call Hilton Sutton World Ministries 1-800-367-9280 or visit our store by clicking here.




For more teaching by Dr. Sutton, including The Book of Revelation Revealed & The Antichrist, make sure to check out the book store.




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